I was sitting like 5 minutes in every breathtaking scene just watching the color mix at the trees at the flowers just play it I can't explain the satisfaction of the combat and the game in general
I have the game, and I must say that it’s worth playing game experience to see how history goes. As well how much effort Sucker Punch done for a long wait break from Infamous series and Sly Cooper franchise. 😁
@@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames hehe thanks, and aww as I trust in you both back ^^ also I forgot to tell you both that there was a Ghost of Tsushima Director Cut tralier out there. It has DLC expansion and new mods in it.
I remember thinking the game looked really good, but it wasn’t until I actually got my hands on it than I realized just how amazing it is. A masterpiece for sure, great characters, amazing story, great acting, gameplay, etc. The most beautiful looking game I’ve ever played too
Pretty sure that visible relief when he took the mask off is more symbolic. Like he hates that he has to act outside of the Samurai way, but he knows he has to against such an overwhelming force, so the mask basically symbolizes what he has to let himself become. When he takes it off, he reflects on it from the outside in for a moment.
This game is absolutely one of my favorites. The fighting, the story, the music, the visuals…it’s all amazing to me. The only downside for me is that I couldn’t play it on ps5 where all this would be better.
Yeah people can hate all they want on my comment but I wish they would do a pc port cuz I am reluctant to get a playstation nowadays with the way the company is(.
Ghost of Tsushima is absolutely incredible, hands down my GOTY for 2020 and one of the greatest PlayStation games ever made. That's no small feat either when you consider the fact that I'm mainly a PC gamer these days (since 2011) and Ghost of Tsushima blew everything else out of the water last year. Picked up the Director's cut this week, can't wait to revisit Tsushima!
I love history in games. Of course there is poetic, gameplay, and storytelling embellishments to it. The events overall actually happened for the most part. But the game mashes the two mongol invasions of Tsushima together into one event. The opening scene is an event that actually happened in the first invasion, and Japanese forces were slaughtered and the mongols moved to take the whole island. Then they are defeated in an attempt on the mainland. The second invasion happens years later, they again use Tsushima as a stating point for invasion of the mainland, but then a storm brews as the fleet is moving on to the mainland. Historically many of the mongols die on their ships, others are washed ashore or stranded back on the island and it turns into a massacre as the defenders regroup, and the Mongols never attempted another invasion again. The Mongols didn't have firearms and explosives until the second invasion, but as the game puts both of the events together to tell a story and it works pretty well.
This game was a masterpiece. I've never truly experienced the game like this. The world was absolutely gorgeous and magnificent every way and the combat was awesome! Don't even get me started on the story .. just 10/10 for this gem
This game is a masterpiece, a little repetitive here and there but it's like that for us the players to have things to do. The fights are fun, the game looks beautiful and the ending song reminds me of james bond
It’s absolutely worth it to play. The view is absolutely BREATHTAKING. And the morale dilemma of the story is made to feel quite realistic, and frustrating. The ending is quite satisfying as well. Everything is amazing.
First time I saw the trailer i thought the game will not be so good. But man, after i ve played it, i couldn t get enough. The game is amazing and the combat is so well done. You feel like a samurai.
Ghost of Tsushima is one of the most beautiful games. Extremely gorgeous. Excellent art direction. Fun fact: There is a Ghost of Tsushima movie being made, helmed by John Wick's director. It'll be brutal and awesome. So hyped!
This is hands down one of the best games I have ever played, and one of the best narratives I have ever watched unfold, top 3 games of all time, there is nothing like this
Ghost of Tsushima is more of an omage to classical Japanese movies of 60s, particularly those by Akira Kurosawa. As for historical accuracy, it's yes and no kinda thing. Yes the Mongolian Invasion of Japan did really happen in 1274, yes the invasion started in Tsushima, however the esthetic of architecture, and especially the japanese weapons and armour resemble designs of Edo Period (1603-1867) more closely. Fun fact, this invasion essentially created the katana we know today. During this invasion Soshu school, represented by legendary swordsmith Masamune, made crucial changes in metal composition, heating and cooling process, and design, which resulted in what we today recognize as katana
The story (spoilerless) is basically the main character being trained by his dad as a samurai who must always fight with honor and face to face as all samurai do. But as soon as their village gets attacked and burnt down and everyone around him dies, he slowly realises that the only way to take revenge is to give up his honor and learn to take his enemies out not face to face, but from behind and with tricks that leaves them no chance, because that is the only way he will be able to fight his way through all alone. In the game, you have kind of a level up system where you need to kill high rank enemies and complete objectives to rank up, and every rank you get a new title and (somewhat) a new look to your character, starting from an honorable samurai and ending with the ghost, which you can see in the trailers.
everything about this game is a Masterpiece the story the graphics the characters the world the Combat and this Incredible and Beautiful score by Ilan Eshkeri and Shigeru Umebayashi this game is an Experience
you both should def. play this game! i think you both would very much like it, it has a deep story and heartbreaking moments. great reaction guys as always
When he said you have trained your whole life for this I was eating fries and it inevitably made me laugh. 😂 Game looks very cool I will definitely watch if you play it.👍🏻
The gameplay of the game permits you to fight and resolve situations in 2 different ways To fight Head on like a Samurai, issuing challenges and duels with the enemies and cuting them down in a fast as the light way, wich will also result in a more difficult situation, since you're basically anouncing to the whole enemy camp that you are there. Or the Ghost way(basically like a Ninja) using guerilla tactics, stealth and gadgets/tricks/traps Off course some missions WILL require of you that you play one way or the other( its easier to rescue hostages and avoid them been killed if you go in Stealthly...) But the fact that you can do Both, or even mix both fighting styles is really satisfying.
That’s so cool that you can do the two different styles. Will fit Bethany and I well since we play differently in games and enjoy different styles of play 😀
Fun fact to your outro! This is in fact based on a true story, obviously with some alternation but it does follow the story of the Samurai(s) that have fought the invasion of the Tsushima Island.
It’s by far one of the most gorgeous games you can play! I can tell both of you would enjoy it if you decided to venture into it. I’ll say this, the opening scene is breath taking!
Ghost of tsushima, is like horizon. A, truly incredible game with a fantastic story and amazing gameplay. I would recommend playing if you have the chance. It's more of a movie than a game. As always love your videos and reactions
masks and armor were ornate. as much due to the low tech capability of the time (you had to see your armies to conduct the battle so bright armor helped), but also for post-battle spectacle.
Yea but this games story is fictional because real life the mongol destroyed the samurais plus owned them and only reason they didn’t continue their attack is because they ran out of supplies retreating from Japan. Plus their technology was behind the mongols during the time.
@@damonyoungblood5488 the tech was comparable. It was the tactics the Mongols had over the Japanese....right up until the weather spoke up. Lol. Simply stated, the Mongols used "Maneuver Warfare" and "Combined Arms" before they were really a thing on the world. They could fight, live, and travel on horseback. Incredibly tough and skilled fighters. If I have a horse under me, a bow and arrows, a.d I can hit targets while mounted on horseback....well, that's essentily a functional tank since it can move while firing. Incredibly dangerous.
Ghost of Tsushima was done so well that Japanese videogame developers were jealous it was made in America and even said "it should have been made here" That's quite the compliment
There is a directors cut of the game releasing on the 20th of this month on PS4 and PS5 that gives you 4k 60 fps instead of 30 fps. Also if you buy it on Ps5 you also get. The new Dlc.
I think the reason Jin (the ghost) takes his mask off at the end of the last trailer is to reflect. Samurai build their whole life off of honor, and for Jin to break the code must weigh heavily on him. Taking the mask off and removing the visage of the ghost must feel like taking a burden off your back, giving him a moment to breathe be for getting back to work.
This game is the most beautiful game I've ever played, I've got several hours in it and it still takes my breath away about how beautiful it is also the gameplay is incredible and playing it is an experience
I bought this game about 3-4 months ago. Played it for about 3 hours and stopped, lost interest. Last week, the Director’s Cut was released and I thought, “Maybe this is a good opportunity to revisit this game”. Now, I’m about 20 hours into the game and I keep falling more and more in love with this game. There are many games with extraordinary environments (Rdr2, TLoU2, AC etc), but I have never seen a game world like this. Every little piece of it is gorgeous, mix that with great storytelling and gameplay… oh boy… I think we might just have a masterpiece on our hands🤔
@@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames I played this after I played The Last of Us 2. So, I guess I started comparing both games, wherever I could. So, small things like facial animation and minor graphical details threw me off because they weren’t as good as TLOU2. But, then I remembered that TLOU2 is the best game I’ve played from a graphics and animation point of view. So, I thought it was unfair of me to judge this game based on another game (a problem I always have with gaming😂). As a a result, I just started embracing GoT for what it is. A BEAUTIFULLY crafted open-world game about a young samurai, who’s questioning his principles as he battles in a war which threatens the safety of his land and his people. What is there not to like?😬
My favourite game of last year! When i saw the announce trailer i said to myself "this is instant buy when it will come out" and so i did, i even preorded it few days before its release and i didnt regret it at all.This game is fantastic and gorgeous! The assassin's creed vibes but it has its own way with the samurai style.Definitely top 10 or even top 5 for ps4 games!
I would definitely recommend playing Ghost if you haven't yet. It captured the feel of old Samurai movies so well. There's even a "Kurosawa mode" where you can play the game entirely in black and white. It's such a good game.
When honor is not enough to preserve your homelands from the Mongol’s invasion, where samurai are not enough to stop the enemy from destroying their people’s way of life, Jin Sakai-a warrior, a fallen samurai, *The Ghost,* shall do whatever it takes to protect those who cannot for themselves… especially if he has to sacrifice his code he once followed.
by real history it was a lost cause :( the mongols captured Tsushima and Iki, reached Kyushu and even won their battle against the japanese army. but their supply lines were lost and so they prepared to sail away, just to get caught by the famous _kamikaze_ "storm of the gods" which sank a third of their fleet. 1281 the same happened: Tsushima was conquered again.
Idk if you know this but the game is actually based off of real history of Tsushima, however obviously “the ghost” isn’t real and Tsushima of course didn’t win but what makes this story so fascinating is that from what I’ve heard just as in the game the mongols succeeded in their invasion of Tsushima with their overwhelming force of 8 thousand against what I think was about 80 samurai. However through strong perseverance and skillful combat the warriors or samurai of Tsushima put up much more of a fight than what had initially been anticipated, with one warrior to have said cut down as much as 25 mongols before falling in battle. I like to think that this where the protagonist takes inspiration from. PS. Love the reaction/s as always
u should have added the gameplay trailer that gives u a very VERY good vibe this game im stil playing it and it has a ton added even now. also all technickes that u c with the blade etc its real. here on youtube there are 2 masters from japan who also do the moves as in the games and at the same speed as in the game. also the battle in the trailer is a real event in history
I’m still annoyed that this game didn’t win game of the year over LOU2, this game deserves every accolade you could imagine, I genuinely have never gotten so gripped into the story and world as I did this. When Iki island came out I was so happy to see more of the story, I genuinely hope they make a sequel because this is a such a rich and deep story. I recommend everyone play it 100%
i will play the expansion when i have the time but i beat the game last week and i got it may 29th this year and i am on my way to platinum the game i am just taking my time on it
One of the best games and amazing story if you're ever gonna play this I would highly recommend it and if I'm correct this people who played the game helped donate money to reconstruct a shrine in Tsushima
The game play is very similar to Assassins creed as far as the controls, I know you have been playing that, so it should be pretty easy for you to jump in. As others have said, the visuals and the music in this game are fantastic. It has a really good photo mode and editor as well and you can play the game in a black and white mode named after the Japanese director called Kurosawa mode.
Something you might like if you like this is Black Myth Wukong. It's 13 minutes of gameplay, but the whole thing is in Chinese with Chinese translations,.Still a good watch. The game is being developed by a Chinese studio and they took inspiration from this game and God of War.
React to Infamous to see what this studio was known for because they made a 180 to make this, Ghosts seems cool but I'm a massive Infamous fan and it's been like 7 years we need a new one!
Ghost of Tsushima is probably my favorite PlayStation exclusive next to Spider-Man! If you own a PlayStation console I would 100% recommend it. The story, gameplay and voice acting is just flawless!
Have a look at the little “State of Play” gameplay guide to give you a feel for the environment, the traversal, the beautiful art style and photo mode, and the difference between the open and stealth combat. (And yes - you can absolutely pet the fox. 🦊) ruclips.net/video/Ur0pQblaZcE/видео.html
For me watching the Ghost of Tsushima trailer made me so happy because it looked like a great game and now that I have it I love killing my own people... But of course, being Mongolian gives you some traits in playing the game even though the words are really weird to hear. I am proud to be Mongolian and be in a game where my heritage is depicted as a villainous group of people who love to raid and just hoard everything from another nation... totally gotta love it
The basic conflict--the Mongol invasion of Tsushima Island in 1274--is a true historical event. The individual characters area all fictional, as in many historical novels and movies.
@@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames long story short it shows how war can slowly strip away someone's humanity and make them into "monsters". Also it's just a good animation to watch
The trailers do not do this game justice on just how beautiful it is, it is also "losely" based on the actual mongolian invasion of Tsushima. Fun fact: the major of the real Tsushima were so impressed with the game and how it brought light on their beautiful little island that they made the directors permanent tourism ambassadors for the island.
This game is the sole reason why i personally have wanted to buy Playstation 5 for. The game looks amazing, heard only good or great things about the story and i frieking love everything samurai related so maybe someday... Haven't seen u react to any John Wick stuff, Or have i missed something?
@@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames Yes they are!! As far as i know John Wick: Chapter 4 was supposed to release in May 2021 but Covid-19 and stuff so they delayed the release to May 2022. Hopefully it comes out then :)
The setting is of course based on history: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_invasions_of_Japan#Invasion_of_Tsushima But all characters ingame are fictional.
Great video...this game is amazing to watch...Unfortunately the game only came out on the PlayStation so I couldn't play it...I watched other people play it and it is an amazing game...the story takes place during the first Mongol invasion of Japan...In the end the invasion was defeated by a combination of very strong resistance by the Japanese and a freak typhoon that sunk the Mongol fleet...The Japanese believed the storm was sent by the gods...the Kami...that is where the term Kamikaze meaning literally Divine wind comes from...A divine wind that saved Japan from defeat...which is why they called their suicide planes in that in WW2...they had the hope that that tactic would save them like the typhoon did in 1275...much of the story revolves around honor and sacrifice...sacrifice of ones identity and values in some cases...TL:DR this game is bad ass!
Very few games have ever made me openly weep. This was one of them. You feel every step and fall of Jins journey. A masterpiece
Oh yes... Especially the ending. Even after watching it on RUclips again i still cry.
The saddest part to me is that Jin really did do what he had to. Anything less brutal would not have stopped the Khan’s forces.
I was sitting like 5 minutes in every breathtaking scene just watching the color mix at the trees at the flowers just play it I can't explain the satisfaction of the combat and the game in general
I have the game, and I must say that it’s worth playing game experience to see how history goes. As well how much effort Sucker Punch done for a long wait break from Infamous series and Sly Cooper franchise. 😁
You always have good taste, Ghost so we trust ya 😁
@@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames hehe thanks, and aww as I trust in you both back ^^ also I forgot to tell you both that there was a Ghost of Tsushima Director Cut tralier out there. It has DLC expansion and new mods in it.
One of few Games you really do not know how to decide at the end :D
@@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames its true the game graphics are exacly as the trailer
The only reason I kept my PlayStation after upgrading to pc
I remember thinking the game looked really good, but it wasn’t until I actually got my hands on it than I realized just how amazing it is. A masterpiece for sure, great characters, amazing story, great acting, gameplay, etc. The most beautiful looking game I’ve ever played too
Also we love your avatar 🤗🥰
Edit: profile pic I guess is more accurate? 😂
Pretty sure that visible relief when he took the mask off is more symbolic. Like he hates that he has to act outside of the Samurai way, but he knows he has to against such an overwhelming force, so the mask basically symbolizes what he has to let himself become. When he takes it off, he reflects on it from the outside in for a moment.
That makes sense 🙂
This game is absolutely one of my favorites. The fighting, the story, the music, the visuals…it’s all amazing to me. The only downside for me is that I couldn’t play it on ps5 where all this would be better.
Yeah people can hate all they want on my comment but I wish they would do a pc port cuz I am reluctant to get a playstation nowadays with the way the company is(.
There is a PS5 version out now, runs at 4k 60fps.
Ghost of Tsushima is absolutely incredible, hands down my GOTY for 2020 and one of the greatest PlayStation games ever made. That's no small feat either when you consider the fact that I'm mainly a PC gamer these days (since 2011) and Ghost of Tsushima blew everything else out of the water last year. Picked up the Director's cut this week, can't wait to revisit Tsushima!
You totally should play it!! It's one of the most gorgeous games that came out!
🤩 looks like it
Or at least check out some game play footage!!
I love history in games. Of course there is poetic, gameplay, and storytelling embellishments to it. The events overall actually happened for the most part. But the game mashes the two mongol invasions of Tsushima together into one event. The opening scene is an event that actually happened in the first invasion, and Japanese forces were slaughtered and the mongols moved to take the whole island. Then they are defeated in an attempt on the mainland.
The second invasion happens years later, they again use Tsushima as a stating point for invasion of the mainland, but then a storm brews as the fleet is moving on to the mainland. Historically many of the mongols die on their ships, others are washed ashore or stranded back on the island and it turns into a massacre as the defenders regroup, and the Mongols never attempted another invasion again. The Mongols didn't have firearms and explosives until the second invasion, but as the game puts both of the events together to tell a story and it works pretty well.
Thanks for the info 😃
So Tsushima actually held out through the second invasion?
This game was a masterpiece. I've never truly experienced the game like this. The world was absolutely gorgeous and magnificent every way and the combat was awesome! Don't even get me started on the story .. just 10/10 for this gem
I agree totally, the new Iki Island expansion in the new DC on PS5 is also incredible :)
@@lambo2655 I have switched to PC and handed my PS4 down to my nephew so I haven't played the DLCs but I'm sure they're amazing
This game is a masterpiece, a little repetitive here and there but it's like that for us the players to have things to do. The fights are fun, the game looks beautiful and the ending song reminds me of james bond
Coming back to this after the announcement of the sequel is so wild
It’s absolutely worth it to play. The view is absolutely BREATHTAKING. And the morale dilemma of the story is made to feel quite realistic, and frustrating. The ending is quite satisfying as well. Everything is amazing.
This is dream come true.
You are in actual samurai movie
First time I saw the trailer i thought the game will not be so good. But man, after i ve played it, i couldn t get enough. The game is amazing and the combat is so well done. You feel like a samurai.
Ghost of Tsushima is one of the most beautiful games. Extremely gorgeous. Excellent art direction.
Fun fact: There is a Ghost of Tsushima movie being made, helmed by John Wick's director. It'll be brutal and awesome. So hyped!
Hell yeah. Loved John Wick movies 😃
This is hands down one of the best games I have ever played, and one of the best narratives I have ever watched unfold, top 3 games of all time, there is nothing like this
not top 3 but its defiantly up there
@@pleasekillmeiwishtodie2114 For me its:
1) Batman: Arkham City
2) Red Dead Redemption 2
3) Ghosts of Tsushima
Ghost of Tsushima is more of an omage to classical Japanese movies of 60s, particularly those by Akira Kurosawa. As for historical accuracy, it's yes and no kinda thing. Yes the Mongolian Invasion of Japan did really happen in 1274, yes the invasion started in Tsushima, however the esthetic of architecture, and especially the japanese weapons and armour resemble designs of Edo Period (1603-1867) more closely. Fun fact, this invasion essentially created the katana we know today. During this invasion Soshu school, represented by legendary swordsmith Masamune, made crucial changes in metal composition, heating and cooling process, and design, which resulted in what we today recognize as katana
Nice. Thanks for giving us a little bit of history there. A period of history we unfortunately do not know a lot about but are definitely interested 😃
The story (spoilerless) is basically the main character being trained by his dad as a samurai who must always fight with honor and face to face as all samurai do.
But as soon as their village gets attacked and burnt down and everyone around him dies, he slowly realises that the only way to take revenge is to give up his honor and learn to take his enemies out not face to face, but from behind and with tricks that leaves them no chance, because that is the only way he will be able to fight his way through all alone.
In the game, you have kind of a level up system where you need to kill high rank enemies and complete objectives to rank up, and every rank you get a new title and (somewhat) a new look to your character, starting from an honorable samurai and ending with the ghost, which you can see in the trailers.
Thanks for explaining it a bit more to us 😃🤩
@@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames basically its him transitioning from being an honorable samurai to like the first ninja
I can't be the only one who thinks they're on a game show with that intro music. It's great 😅
everything about this game is a Masterpiece the story the graphics the characters the world the Combat and this Incredible and Beautiful score by Ilan Eshkeri and Shigeru Umebayashi this game is an Experience
you both should def. play this game! i think you both would very much like it, it has a deep story and heartbreaking moments. great reaction guys as always
So much love for this game 🤩
I have to say... This was amazing to see. Ghost of Tsushima is a phenomenal masterpiece🈯🈯🈺🈺 the story of the Samurai have ways fascinated me
@@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames 😃😃😃💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 please do give it a play. Director's Cut out now!!!!
the soundtrack and the landscapes gave me so many chills down my spine when i first started playing lol
I loved when she said "playstation" 1:08
When he said you have trained your whole life for this I was eating fries and it inevitably made me laugh. 😂
Game looks very cool I will definitely watch if you play it.👍🏻
Haha, this looks like another great game that we have to check more on 🤩
When the Mongol Fleet was wiped out during one invasion, the Japanese called the Storm that did it a "Typhoon" or "Divine Wind".
Interesting stuff tbh.
@@earendilthemariner5546 ah that's it.
Love all the historical facts 😃
I cried for 15 minutes straight after beating the game
The gameplay of the game permits you to fight and resolve situations in 2 different ways
To fight Head on like a Samurai, issuing challenges and duels with the enemies and cuting them down in a fast as the light way, wich will also result in a more difficult situation, since you're basically anouncing to the whole enemy camp that you are there.
Or the Ghost way(basically like a Ninja) using guerilla tactics, stealth and gadgets/tricks/traps
Off course some missions WILL require of you that you play one way or the other( its easier to rescue hostages and avoid them been killed if you go in Stealthly...)
But the fact that you can do Both, or even mix both fighting styles is really satisfying.
That’s so cool that you can do the two different styles. Will fit Bethany and I well since we play differently in games and enjoy different styles of play 😀
My man always dressed like his next stop is The Roxbury. Dig it, do you man.
This game is the most beautiful most epic most stunning game that I have played for my ps5 it is A MUST BUY PLAYSTATION GAME
My favorite game in front of rdr2
Damn. High praise 😃🤩🥳
Fun fact to your outro! This is in fact based on a true story, obviously with some alternation but it does follow the story of the Samurai(s) that have fought the invasion of the Tsushima Island.
Very cool 😃🤩
If it weren't for DMC5, this would be my favourite video game of all time. No exaggeration. Hands down my favourite PlayStation exclusive.
😎🤟 A game on our massive bucket gaming list 🙂
It’s one of the best games I’ve ever played, really really recommend it! The most beautiful game I have ever played
Heard that from a lot of people 😃🤩
It’s by far one of the most gorgeous games you can play! I can tell both of you would enjoy it if you decided to venture into it. I’ll say this, the opening scene is breath taking!
Nice teaser there 😃
Ghost of tsushima, is like horizon. A, truly incredible game with a fantastic story and amazing gameplay. I would recommend playing if you have the chance. It's more of a movie than a game. As always love your videos and reactions
On our gaming bucket list 🙂
@@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames nice, hope you enjoy the game.
masks and armor were ornate. as much due to the low tech capability of the time (you had to see your armies to conduct the battle so bright armor helped), but also for post-battle spectacle.
Yea but this games story is fictional because real life the mongol destroyed the samurais plus owned them and only reason they didn’t continue their attack is because they ran out of supplies retreating from Japan. Plus their technology was behind the mongols during the time.
@@damonyoungblood5488 the tech was comparable. It was the tactics the Mongols had over the Japanese....right up until the weather spoke up. Lol.
Simply stated, the Mongols used "Maneuver Warfare" and "Combined Arms" before they were really a thing on the world. They could fight, live, and travel on horseback. Incredibly tough and skilled fighters.
If I have a horse under me, a bow and arrows, a.d I can hit targets while mounted on horseback....well, that's essentily a functional tank since it can move while firing.
Incredibly dangerous.
Ghost of Tsushima was done so well that Japanese videogame developers were jealous it was made in America and even said "it should have been made here"
That's quite the compliment
There is a directors cut of the game releasing on the 20th of this month on PS4 and PS5 that gives you 4k 60 fps instead of 30 fps.
Also if you buy it on Ps5 you also get. The new Dlc.
Thanks for the tips 😃
I think the reason Jin (the ghost) takes his mask off at the end of the last trailer is to reflect. Samurai build their whole life off of honor, and for Jin to break the code must weigh heavily on him. Taking the mask off and removing the visage of the ghost must feel like taking a burden off your back, giving him a moment to breathe be for getting back to work.
One of my favourite games ever and my GOTY 2020. I can't wait for the Director's Cut with the Iki Island expansion
i highly recommend this game to play for yourselfs very good story youd enjoy
This game is the most beautiful game I've ever played, I've got several hours in it and it still takes my breath away about how beautiful it is also the gameplay is incredible and playing it is an experience
I bought this game about 3-4 months ago. Played it for about 3 hours and stopped, lost interest. Last week, the Director’s Cut was released and I thought, “Maybe this is a good opportunity to revisit this game”. Now, I’m about 20 hours into the game and I keep falling more and more in love with this game. There are many games with extraordinary environments (Rdr2, TLoU2, AC etc), but I have never seen a game world like this. Every little piece of it is gorgeous, mix that with great storytelling and gameplay… oh boy… I think we might just have a masterpiece on our hands🤔
Our of curiosity what didn’t you like about it first time you tried it 🤔🙂
@@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames I played this after I played The Last of Us 2. So, I guess I started comparing both games, wherever I could. So, small things like facial animation and minor graphical details threw me off because they weren’t as good as TLOU2. But, then I remembered that TLOU2 is the best game I’ve played from a graphics and animation point of view. So, I thought it was unfair of me to judge this game based on another game (a problem I always have with gaming😂). As a a result, I just started embracing GoT for what it is. A BEAUTIFULLY crafted open-world game about a young samurai, who’s questioning his principles as he battles in a war which threatens the safety of his land and his people. What is there not to like?😬
Oh em geeeeee
Thank you
Thank you soooo much for reacting to this.
I know you probably won't see this but do keep up the good work
Thanks, Panda! 🥰🤗🥳
My favourite game of last year! When i saw the announce trailer i said to myself "this is instant buy when it will come out" and so i did, i even preorded it few days before its release and i didnt regret it at all.This game is fantastic and gorgeous! The assassin's creed vibes but it has its own way with the samurai style.Definitely top 10 or even top 5 for ps4 games!
Absolutely nobody can deny her gamer status because I'm sure we all say "Play Station" in our head every time see and hear that symbol at 1:08
I would definitely recommend playing Ghost if you haven't yet. It captured the feel of old Samurai movies so well. There's even a "Kurosawa mode" where you can play the game entirely in black and white.
It's such a good game.
That’s cool they offered that black and white feature although we heard this game is too beautiful to not play in full color 🤩
When honor is not enough to preserve your homelands from the Mongol’s invasion, where samurai are not enough to stop the enemy from destroying their people’s way of life, Jin Sakai-a warrior, a fallen samurai, *The Ghost,* shall do whatever it takes to protect those who cannot for themselves… especially if he has to sacrifice his code he once followed.
by real history it was a lost cause :(
the mongols captured Tsushima and Iki, reached Kyushu and even won their battle against the japanese army. but their supply lines were lost and so they prepared to sail away, just to get caught by the famous _kamikaze_ "storm of the gods" which sank a third of their fleet.
1281 the same happened: Tsushima was conquered again.
Favorite samurai movie: Zatoichi the blind swordsman
Favorite samurai anime: Samurai Champloo
Favorite samurai game? This game
This was the reaction I was hyped for the most! Please react to the inFAMOUS trailers that's also a great series made by the same guys who made this!
Glad you enjoyed it. We have Infamous on our list to check out 🤗
@@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames HYPED!
Idk if you know this but the game is actually based off of real history of Tsushima, however obviously “the ghost” isn’t real and Tsushima of course didn’t win but what makes this story so fascinating is that from what I’ve heard just as in the game the mongols succeeded in their invasion of Tsushima with their overwhelming force of 8 thousand against what I think was about 80 samurai. However through strong perseverance and skillful combat the warriors or samurai of Tsushima put up much more of a fight than what had initially been anticipated, with one warrior to have said cut down as much as 25 mongols before falling in battle. I like to think that this where the protagonist takes inspiration from.
PS. Love the reaction/s as always
@@earendilthemariner5546 Oh ok gotcha, thanks for telling me :)
We thought it might be loosely based on history and glad to see that It is pretty closely tied. That always makes it more fun for us 😊
Omgg yall responded to my request🥳😄
It takes time but we do get to requests 🥰🤗🥳
Finally, i have looking forward to your reactions of this game! 😍
U guys r awesome! ❤️
Watching this has convinced me to buy the Director's Cut and play it again for the 10 billionth time.
I just started playing this game and I can already tell you it’s samurai Batman in the best way possible
u should have added the gameplay trailer that gives u a very VERY good vibe this game im stil playing it and it has a ton added even now. also all technickes that u c with the blade etc its real. here on youtube there are 2 masters from japan who also do the moves as in the games and at the same speed as in the game. also the battle in the trailer is a real event in history
We heard gameplay trailer is epic so we plan to check that out some time 😃
Love your reactions.
There's actually an anime of this "game" events in the game Named: Angolmois: Record of Mongol Invasion.
If you are ever new to playing video games, then this is a good start 👍
We are being reintroduced to videogames 😊🤗
A great love to samurai and also there was a donation to the actual island
Love hearing that 😊
This game is literally a samurai Batman in my books
legit my favorite game in the last 10 years
I’m still annoyed that this game didn’t win game of the year over LOU2, this game deserves every accolade you could imagine, I genuinely have never gotten so gripped into the story and world as I did this. When Iki island came out I was so happy to see more of the story, I genuinely hope they make a sequel because this is a such a rich and deep story. I recommend everyone play it 100%
The good thing about losing everything?
You don't have to fear the consequences of going too far.
Is it just me that main character looks kinda like Hanzo Hasashi from Mortal Kombat x?
Not just you. Does kind of look like him 🙂
Probably the most gorgeous game of this generation.
I'm definitely gonna play the iki island expansion. Got my platinum last month for this game. Absolutely amazing!!
i will play the expansion when i have the time but i beat the game last week and i got it may 29th this year and i am on my way to platinum the game i am just taking my time on it
One of the best games and amazing story if you're ever gonna play this I would highly recommend it and if I'm correct this people who played the game helped donate money to reconstruct a shrine in Tsushima
We heard that too and that’s great from developers to give back like that 😃🥳
@@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames Its insane how a video game can bring so many people together to achieve something so wonderful
ive studied this period in japanese history. of particular interest to me are the people of Iga Province....
Japanese history is something we don’t know enough about 😊
The game play is very similar to Assassins creed as far as the controls, I know you have been playing that, so it should be pretty easy for you to jump in.
As others have said, the visuals and the music in this game are fantastic. It has a really good photo mode and editor as well and you can play the game in a black and white mode named after the Japanese director called Kurosawa mode.
Also... They fight against the Mongols. The antagonist is Khotun Kahn.
I loved playing this game! Now I might have to go back and play it again after watching this
You guys need to check out Far cry 3 and Sekiro shadows die twice!
Both games on our list to get to 😅
Nice I was waiting for this one! ❤️
The most beautyfull game ever played! This is how a samurai game should be, imagine upgrading it to ps5! Gonna test it this week
yes its very beautyfull i agreed there
I just got a PS4 pro cheap to play games like this, and this one is so damn good! especially when u consider it looks like that ingame :)
Something you might like if you like this is Black Myth Wukong. It's 13 minutes of gameplay, but the whole thing is in Chinese with Chinese translations,.Still a good watch. The game is being developed by a Chinese studio and they took inspiration from this game and God of War.
It’s on our list to check out 😃
Top 5 favorite games of all time for me
This game gave me constant goosebumps playing it
React to Infamous to see what this studio was known for because they made a 180 to make this, Ghosts seems cool but I'm a massive Infamous fan and it's been like 7 years we need a new one!
A franchise we plan to check out. How many Infamous games have there been? 🤔🙃
@@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames 3 games in the franchise.
Infamous. Infamous 2. Infamous: Second Son
Ghost of Tsushima is probably my favorite PlayStation exclusive next to Spider-Man! If you own a PlayStation console I would 100% recommend it. The story, gameplay and voice acting is just flawless!
We will have to get PlayStation. Lots of games to play on it that are exclusive 😃
Dunce to guys like this... Might I suggest you both watch all Rurouni Kenshin movies??? Or at least the Trailers 🙏🔥😍
We can add it to our requests list 😇
We have the same profile picture bro! 🙌🏻😁
Ngl yall are terrific honestly 😁😁😁 the best couple I've seen
Have a look at the little “State of Play” gameplay guide to give you a feel for the environment, the traversal, the beautiful art style and photo mode, and the difference between the open and stealth combat. (And yes - you can absolutely pet the fox. 🦊) ruclips.net/video/Ur0pQblaZcE/видео.html
We can pet the Fox?! We are in 😃🤗😎🥳
I would def recommend you guys watch some Deathloop trailers, maybe before its release on the 14th next month, think you guys might like it!
We will try and get to it 😎
The interesting thing is that the game is based on a historical event.
This is one of the only games that makes me want to get a Play Station.
This God of War and Uncharted for us 🤩
For me watching the Ghost of Tsushima trailer made me so happy because it looked like a great game and now that I have it I love killing my own people... But of course, being Mongolian gives you some traits in playing the game even though the words are really weird to hear. I am proud to be Mongolian and be in a game where my heritage is depicted as a villainous group of people who love to raid and just hoard everything from another nation... totally gotta love it
lol very different from germans that react to germans during WW2
Says no Mongolian ever. Hope you’re being sarcastic.
Are you going to play this game on a live stream
The basic conflict--the Mongol invasion of Tsushima Island in 1274--is a true historical event. The individual characters area all fictional, as in many historical novels and movies.
I'd recommend paths of hate, a short animation. It's a really overlooked animation.
Interesting. What’s it about? 🤔
@@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames long story short it shows how war can slowly strip away someone's humanity and make them into "monsters". Also it's just a good animation to watch
The trailers do not do this game justice on just how beautiful it is, it is also "losely" based on the actual mongolian invasion of Tsushima.
Fun fact: the major of the real Tsushima were so impressed with the game and how it brought light on their beautiful little island that they made the directors permanent tourism ambassadors for the island.
Great fun fact! 😃🥳
This game is the sole reason why i personally have wanted to buy Playstation 5 for. The game looks amazing, heard only good or great things about the story and i frieking love everything samurai related so maybe someday... Haven't seen u react to any John Wick stuff, Or have i missed something?
Nope you haven’t missed anything. We really like the John Wick movies. Are they making another one? 😃
@@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames Yes they are!! As far as i know John Wick: Chapter 4 was supposed to release in May 2021 but Covid-19 and stuff so they delayed the release to May 2022. Hopefully it comes out then :)
The setting is of course based on history: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_invasions_of_Japan#Invasion_of_Tsushima
But all characters ingame are fictional.
I also recommend to watch gameplay trailers for ghost of tsushima 🙂
Great video...this game is amazing to watch...Unfortunately the game only came out on the PlayStation so I couldn't play it...I watched other people play it and it is an amazing game...the story takes place during the first Mongol invasion of Japan...In the end the invasion was defeated by a combination of very strong resistance by the Japanese and a freak typhoon that sunk the Mongol fleet...The Japanese believed the storm was sent by the gods...the Kami...that is where the term Kamikaze meaning literally Divine wind comes from...A divine wind that saved Japan from defeat...which is why they called their suicide planes in that in WW2...they had the hope that that tactic would save them like the typhoon did in 1275...much of the story revolves around honor and sacrifice...sacrifice of ones identity and values in some cases...TL:DR this game is bad ass!
Yeah we need to get a PlayStations as well since there are a lot of exclusive games they have that we want to play like this and God of War 😃🥳
un samurai che si comporta come un ninja...
Last of us 2 won game of the year
Ghost of Tsushima was second best game of the year .
in my opinion both are equally good
Ghost of Tsushima is my fav game bro 🥰
For Clan Sakai! For The Ghost!
Ghost of Tsushima is getting a DLC coming very very soon for PS5/PS4 and you should definitely play this game. Amazing from beginning to End